The logic of an idea, once it has gained a foothold in the human psyche, has a tendency to work itself out with a relentless consistency to its ultimate con-clusions even among men of disparate cultures who have little or no contact with or knowledge of each other, but more especially so where that idea is widely accepted by a community—unless it is effectively challen-ged. And so it has been with sacerdotalism and prelacy, which even the Reformation was not able to expunge entirely from the minds of Christian men, and so the wretched harvest produced by these ideas began to grow once more before the dust thrown up by the ploughing of the Reformation had settled on the ground. And this is all the more remarkable because, as Max Weber pointed out, “every consistent doctrine of predestined grace inevitably implied a radical and ultimate devaluation of all magical, sacramental and institutional distributions of grace, in view of God’s sovereign will.”

— Stephen Perks,
The Christian Passover:
Agape Feast or Ritual Abuse?, p. 46

The Officials of the Roman Empire in time of persecution sought to force the Christians to sacrifice, not to any of the heathen gods, but to the Genius of the Emperor and the Fortune of the city of Rome; and at all times the Christians' refusal was looked upon not as a religious but as a political offence.

— Frances Legge,
Forerunners and Rivals of Christianity,
Vol, I, p. lvi.

The history of Eastern Christianity under the rule of Islam has already been written. The story is a depressing one. The history of Western Christianity under the rule of Islam has yet to be written. Whether it will ever be written may well depend on how seriously the Church in the West takes the Great Commission in the next few decades and on whether the zeal and self-sacrifice of Muslims for their jihad can be matched by the zeal and self-sacrifice of Christians for the Great Commission - indeed, whether Muslims, with their zeal and self-sacrifice, can be converted from jihad to the Great Commission.

— Stephen Perks,
"From Jihad to Great Commission"
in Christianity & Society, Vol. VIX, No. 3

Christianity and Society

Christianity and Society, the journal of the Kuyper Foundation, is avalaible from this web site as a downloadable PDF file only. Click on "Download PDF" in the relevant Volume and Issue number below to download the PDF. Volumes 17 to 19 are also available in printed hard copy format from Lulu. Please note that:

  • The Kuyper Foundation no longer prints and distributes hard copies of the journal, which must now be ordered on line from
  • Volumes 1 to 14 (1991 to 2004) were published quarterly. Volumes 15 to 19 (2005 to 2009) were published biannually.
  • The following volumes and issues are not available: Volumes 1 to 6; Volume 8; Volume 9, Nos 1 and 4; Volume, 12, No. 1, and Volume 16, No. 2.

Christianity & Society is no longer published on a regular quarterly or biannual basis. Volume 19, No. 2 was the last issue to be published to date. Any future issues of the journal will be published on an intermittent basis as Special Issues starting with Special Issue No. 20.

Entries in Roman Catholic Doctrine of Merit (1)


Volume 11, No. 1



  • Cleaning up Humanism, by Stephen Perks


  • Alpha and the Omegas? Part IV, by Peter Burden-Teh
  • The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification by the Lutheran World Federation and the Catholic Church, by David Estrada
  • The Critical Historical Method: Will Things Ever be the Same Again?  by Paul Wells
  • Karl Popper's Scientific Enterprise (Part 1), by Colin Wright

Book reviews

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