ISBN: 978-0-9522058-8-3The dominant contemporary view of the Christian faith as a subjective, private, devotional faith has led to the overturning of the Great Commission, i.e. the de-commissioning of the nations as Christian nations. This modern understanding of the faith is in stark contrast to view of the faith presented in Scripture and accepted as orthodox by previous generations. Until modern times the Church has always proclaimed, and Christians have believed, that the Christian faith is public truth; and public truth is religion. Very many Christians today, however, deny that Christianity is a religion. And it has to be recognised that for these people it is not a religion. It is merely a worship hobby. But in denying that Christianity is a religion Christians have unwittingly denied it the status of public truth, with dire consequences for the life of the nation as a result. The Bible does not see the faith in terms of a personal worship hobby, but rather as a religion that overcomes and transforms the world. The purpose of the Christian faith is not merely to transform the believer’s personal life and make him more holy. It is to glorify God by transforming the world, by bringing the world under the discipline of Jesus Christ and his word. The Christian faith is a political and social faith as well as a personal faith; its mission does not terminate on the individual but on the whole world, which is to be brought into subjection to the will of the Lord Jesus Christ. If we are to win the world for Christ we must take the Great Commission seriously as a commission to bring the nations of the earth under the discipline of Jesus Christ not only by preaching the gospel of personal salvation through faith in Christ but also by baptising the nations and teaching the law of God to the nations.
Stephen Perks
Paperback | 40 pages | £3.50 plus postage | ISBN: 978-0-9522058-8-3
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